09/10/2012 -
SOURCE: General Electric (GE) DESCRIPTION:Norfolk Southern Corp. and GE Transportation kicked off the second Railroad Sustainability Symposium at the Class I's 14,000-acre Brosnan Forest Conference...
06/09/2024 -
3bee Hive-Tech is an innovative IoT system designed for monitoring beehives, which ensures the real time analysis of themain parameters of bees’ life (from air quality to sound spectrum), helping...
28/08/2024 -
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and UMass Chan Medical School have demonstrated in mice a new method to combat pancreatic cancer. The study, published in
27/08/2024 -
El bernat marbrejat (Halyomorpha halys) és un insecte invasor que ja està present en les quatre províncies catalanes. Les conseqüències d’aquesta plaga...
"El freno de emergencia para las importaciones de miel de Ucrania se activa: hasta el 5 de junio de 2025, la miel ucraniana importada a la UE se realizará dentro del contingente arancelario de la...
24/08/2024 -
Organic farming and flower strips promote the health of honey bees, with colonies growing stronger and generally being healthier when living in their vicinity.
24/08/2024 -
Russia's security services shot dead four inmates on Friday (23 August) who had taken hostages at a penal colony, fatally stabbed four of its staff and posted online videos describing themselves as...
19/08/2024 -
La agricultura y ganadería ecológica en Andalucía sigue creciendo a pasos agigantados, consolidando la región como un referente en sostenibilidad. En la última década, la superficie dedicada...
11/08/2024 -
An insect bites off another insect's leg. Is this predatory behavior, aggression, defense, competition or something else? In the case of carpenter ants, it's for the good of the amputee and to the...
11/08/2024 -
The Great Barrier Reef is vast and spectacular. But repeated mass coral bleachings, driven by high ocean temperatures, are threatening the survival of coral colonies which are the backbone of the...
La lucha contra la Vespa orientalis o avispón oriental, una especie invasora que acaba con las abejas y con los colmenares andaluces, está resultando ser insuficiente. A pesar de las...
01/08/2024 -
Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on Loigolactobacillus coryniformis DSM 34345 when used as a technological additive to improve...