Malbaratament alimentari

Malbaratament alimentari

09/09/2024 - To accelerate the transition to a circular economy, the European Commission (EC) promoted alternative water resources in the Horizon 2020 Framework. To increase water use efficiency and reuse, the...
Europe’s largest food upcycling plant opened for spent grains
12/09/2024 - A new plant is upcycling spent grains for a whole range of uses.
Nueva planta de producción de biocombustibles de alperujo en Martos
12/09/2024 - Olimerca.- El término municipal de Martos, en Jaén, es el lugar elegido para la instalación de una planta de producción de biocombustibles de alperujo y para ello el...
Food waste in supermarkets down to 0,89%
12/09/2024 - Food waste in supermarkets has further decreased to 0,89% of procurement volume in 2023. Compared to the initial measurement in 2018, this is a reduction of 35%. These encouraging figures were...
Facsa impulsa la producción de biocombustibles y energía sostenible a través de dos nuevos proyectos europeos
11/09/2024 - I+D+i Estos proyectos responden a la hoja de ruta en materia de economía circular de FACSA   Ambos proyectos reúnen a destacados centros de...
Ingredalia, la startup que innova de forma sostenible para la alimentación
11/09/2024 - Ingredalia, fundada por Daniel Kumpel, es una de las startups finalistas...
Desarrollan una novedosa plataforma digital que aprovecha subproductos agrícolas como materia prima para piensos
11/09/2024 - El Grupo Operativo "Red Andaluza para la Valorización de Subproductos Agroalimentarios en Alimentación Animal (RAVSA 3)" está desarrollando una innovadora plataforma digital para facilitar el...
Energy Vision/Argonne National Lab Assessment Shows Rapid Growth in Renewable Natural Gas, Which Could Significantly Cut Methane Emissions
11/09/2024 - The sustainable energy NGO Energy Vision (EV) released its annual assessment of the US renewable natural gas (RNG) industry, conducted in collaboration with the US Department of Energy’s Argonne...
Valorización de purines de cerdo con carbonización hidrotermal
10/09/2024 - La ganadería porcina es una de las actividades más relevantes en la economía española, situando al país como líder europeo en la producción de carne de cerdo. Sin embargo, este sector también...
Reforming secondary plastics to become the primary raw material choice for added-value products
06/09/2024 - Polymers are one of the most used materials in different applications, especially in consumer goods like electronics, and the consumption is only expected to rise globally. In Europe, 25,8 million...
Advancing understanding of Cumulative Impacts on European marine biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services for human wellbeing
06/09/2024 - ACTNOW advances the state-of-the-art in understanding and forecasting of the cumulative impacts of climate change and interacting drivers on marine systems. The program provides solutions options to...
oNe hEalth SusTainabiLity partnership between EU-AFRICA for food sEcuRity
06/09/2024 - NESTLER is a joint project between the EU and African member states designed to promote One-Health sustainable partnership. The project aims to bring together interdisciplinary technological advances...
Regions for climate change resilience through Innovation, Science and Technology
06/09/2024 - RESIST will strengthen the resilience and accelerate the transformation and increase adaptive capacity of 12 climate-vulnerable EU regions, implementing 4 large-scale demonstrators of resilient...
06/09/2024 - Over one million barriers on Europe’s rivers have resulted in extensive loss of river connectivity and 70-90 % of Europe’s floodplain areas are ecologically degraded due to human modifications....
CLIMAte risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX
06/09/2024 - Many European regions and communities have limited experience and resources to integrate available local and global data, models, and concepts into a context-specific Climate Risk Assessment (CRA)....
Creation and promotion of Forest and Agriculture Networks to boost Bio-Based Technologies adoption and Value Chain development
06/09/2024 - In response to the increasing need for grassroots initiatives and knowledge sharing to address major challenges such as climate resilience and increased mitigation of GHG emissions, while supporting...
Efficient valorisation of CO2 and bio-waste for long-term energy storage using a microwave plasma torch and quenching using the reverse Boudouard reaction
09/09/2024 - Now that renewable energy generation is already competitive in cost with electricity obtained from fossil fuels, the development of efficient long term energy storage methods seems crucial for a...
La producción de etanol renovable en Europa, un aliado inesperado de la acuicultura
- La industria europea de etanol a partir de fuentes renovables generó en 2023 6,5 millones de toneladas de co-productos alimentarios, entre los que destacan los granos secos de destilería con...
Un proyecto español desarrolla nuevas técnicas de reciclaje de módulos fotovoltaicos
09/10/2024 - Los investigadores han optimizado un proceso para recuperar plata y silicio de alta pureza de los módulos fuera de uso, facilitando su escalado industrial. Hasta hace poco, el reciclaje de los...
First assessment of European e-methane roll-out released today
- Brussels 09/09/24 – The European Biogas Association (EBA), in collaboration with experts in biogas and methanation technologies, is launching the first assessment of the rollout of...
El Senasa argentino autoriza el uso del sistema deenfriamiento por aspersión en plantas de sacrificio,despiece y almacenes frigoríficos
10/09/2024 - El Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (Senasa)aprobó la aplicación del sistema de enfriamiento por aspersión(spray chilling), en los establecimientos dedicados al sacrificio...