27/09/2024 -
Según el último informe publicado por Interporc, Organización Interprofesional Agroalimentaria del Porcino de Capa Blanca, y Deloitte, 'Transformación hacia la circularidad del sector...
25/09/2024 -
DAISY (DigitAl, technologIcal and Social innovation mixes enabling transformation for biodiversity and equitY) aims to understand how interventions (innovations, regulations, financial incentives and...
26/09/2024 -
La puesta en marcha de nuevas acciones para conseguir unos niveles mayores de circularidad permitiría al sector porcino de capa blanca reducir seis millones de toneladas métricas de emisiones de...
26/09/2024 -
El Sentido de la Carne, la iniciativa que reúne a toda la cadena devalor (fabricantes, distribuidores, canal especializado,interprofesionales, asociaciones y organizaciones, entre otros) yque ya...
19/09/2024 -
The world is losing its wild species and ecosystems at an alarming rate, and Europe is no exception. Yet, biodiversity is the basis for functioning ecosystems, which provide essential goods and...
12/09/2024 -
The overarching aim of RE-WITCH is to deliver cost-competitive, game-changing solutions in the field of sustainable industrial cooling and heating. To do so, RE-WITCH will demonstrate advanced...
12/09/2024 -
Poultry is humanity's most important source of animal protein. Yet, it is extremely difficult to optimize the eggs in - chicks out process, resulting in the waste of billions of eggs, incubation...
09/09/2024 -
To accelerate the transition to a circular economy, the European Commission (EC) promoted alternative water resources in the Horizon 2020 Framework. To increase water use efficiency and reuse, the...
11/09/2024 -
El Grupo Operativo "Red Andaluza para la Valorización de Subproductos Agroalimentarios en Alimentación Animal (RAVSA 3)" está desarrollando una innovadora plataforma digital para facilitar el...
06/09/2024 -
Polymers are one of the most used materials in different applications, especially in consumer goods like electronics, and the consumption is only expected to rise globally. In Europe, 25,8 million...
06/09/2024 -
ACTNOW advances the state-of-the-art in understanding and forecasting of the cumulative impacts of climate change and interacting drivers on marine systems. The program provides solutions options to...
06/09/2024 -
NESTLER is a joint project between the EU and African member states designed to promote One-Health sustainable partnership. The project aims to bring together interdisciplinary technological advances...
06/09/2024 -
RESIST will strengthen the resilience and accelerate the transformation and increase adaptive capacity of 12 climate-vulnerable EU regions, implementing 4 large-scale demonstrators of resilient...
06/09/2024 -
Over one million barriers on Europe’s rivers have resulted in extensive loss of river connectivity and 70-90 % of Europe’s floodplain areas are ecologically degraded due to human modifications....
06/09/2024 -
Many European regions and communities have limited experience and resources to integrate available local and global data, models, and concepts into a context-specific Climate Risk Assessment (CRA)....
06/09/2024 -
In response to the increasing need for grassroots initiatives and knowledge sharing to address major challenges such as climate resilience and increased mitigation of GHG emissions, while supporting...
La industria europea de etanol a partir de fuentes renovables generó en 2023 6,5 millones de toneladas de co-productos alimentarios, entre los que destacan los granos secos de destilería con...
10/09/2024 -
El Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (Senasa)aprobó la aplicación del sistema de enfriamiento por aspersión(spray chilling), en los establecimientos dedicados al sacrificio...
09/09/2024 -
Olimerca.- El Ministerio de Agricultura, Soberanía Alimentaria y Bosques de Italia ha publicado un decreto con el que informa que destinará 900.000 euros, ampliables con una...
Clara Aguilera, Parlamentaria europea El Consejo Consultivo de la Acuicultura (AAC), el Consejo Consultivo del Mercado (MAC), el Consejo Consultivo del Mar del Norte (NSAC) y el Consejo...